Welcome to The Artwork of Elaine Tassy, a collection of collages and surface designs. To see photos of artwork in five galleries — representational, abstract, repetition, textile, and other media — and to read details about each piece, click on the corresponding tabs above. You can also click on Displays above to see some of the artwork hung up on walls.
About the Artist
To inquire about sales and for any other questions or feedback, please use the Contact tab above. Some of the artwork displayed on this page is for sale and available for loan for limited displays in Colorado.
Elaine Tassy is a Haitian-American multimedia collage artist based in the Denver suburb of Aurora, Colorado. Born in Montclair, New Jersey, she began making art in sixth grade, and displayed her work for the first time in 1999. Her work finds a home in galleries, coffee shops, churches, schools, social justice centers, libraries, health care facilities and office spaces. She has donated artwork to New Mexico Eye Clinic, the Bahamas International Film Festival Foundation, the Brain Injury Resource Center, and New Mexico Workforce Solutions.
She has been an artist-in-residence at the Headlands Center for the Arts in Sausalito, CA; the Ragdale Foundation in Lake Forest, IL; the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts in Sweet Briar, VA; the Hambidge Center for the Arts and Sciences in Rabun Gap, GA; the Two Heads Institute in Bahia, Brazil. and, most recently, Eutopia Artist Residency in Kavala. Greece.
Her artwork ranges from whimsical to political, abstract to representational, and narrative to repetitive. Whenever possible, she uses recycled textile and paper fragments, and used frames and mats.
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